My heart had a little flutter when I saw Nicole’s sparkly pair of Enzo Angiolini shoes with the gold heals. And paired with a very classic Angolique gown, Nicole was just perfect! After preparing for her big day at the Hotel DuPont we were off to the fabulous grounds of Winterthur Estate. A former DuPont Estate, it not serves as a museum and a most gorgeous setting for a wedding. Nicole and Evan had their first see on the stairs leading to the garden. All the azaleas were in full bloom adding to the beautiful of the day. Beautiful Blooms designed the lovely bouquets. Please note the final image in the series. I always thought it would be cute to have a pictures of the entire bridal party kissing. Well, in all my years, I finally got it. It turns out Nicole and Evans bridal party consisted of two married couples. How cute. More to share later!